Tuesday, 26 March 2013

70 per cent of pupils can’t read or count

Pupils in Namutumba District being taught under a tree.
Pupils in Namutumba District being taught under a tree. PHOTO BY PPU  
Majority of primary school-going children across the country cannot read or deal with a simple arithmetic, according to Uganda National Examinations Board’s latest report.
The 2012 National Assessment of Progress in Education findings show that pupils in Primary Six from 68 per cent of the districts surveyed did not reach the proficiency in numeracy [See list on this page].
They were even worse in literacy skills in English language as the report records 75 per cent of the districts failing to acquire the required proficiency rate of 50 per cent at the same level.
For instance, the report shows that P6 pupils have difficulties in doing long division, measuring and drawing angles and length and rounding off decimals to the nearest whole numbers.
The pupils also find it hard to read a story and other texts and comprehend to be able to answer questions, identify opposites and write relevant composition with correct format.
However, this was different at lower primary where at least 81 per cent of the districts have their pupils in Primary Three able to read, count and write. Here, pupils could count ones and tens, add or subtract numbers, without carrying or borrowing.
A total of 1,232 primary schools were selected from the 112 districts across the country and assessment conducted in P3 and P6 in numeracy and literacy in English while 524 secondary schools were considered for the S2 English language, Mathematics and Biology tests.
Mr Mathew Bukenya, Uneb executive secretary, on Thursday reported that students are trained to cram instead of teaching them to learn, a practice he said had infiltrated the teaching of English language and is a threat to future creative writing.
“Many students have difficulty writing their own compositions. Instead, they resort to cramming those already written and supplied by their teachers or copying those written in text books with a view of passing exams,” Mr Bukenya said.
At the bottom of the list
The districts of Alebtong, Amolatar, Amuru, Bukomansimbi, Bukwo, Buliisa, Dokolo, Gomba, Kaberamaido, Kamuli, Kole, Kween,, Kyankwanzi, Lamwo, Luuka, Manafwa, Mbale, Nwoya, Oyam, Pallisa, Serere and Zombo had very few of their pupils in both classes rated proficient.
Only Mbarara District had the majority of their pupils in both P3 and P6 rated proficient with over 75 per cent.
“There was lower rating at P6 compared to the rating at P3,” Mr Amos Opaman, Uneb senior examinations officer, said. The officials attributed the challenges to the sudden increase in the number of districts from 80 in 2009 to 112. They said there is rising school enrolment which doesn’t match the available infrastructure.
At Senior Two, students’ achievement in all the three subjects; English language, Mathematics and Biology was below average. For instance, the students had difficulty in reading a text, using it to derive contextual meaning of words and phrases, write sequenced and relevant compositions.
“Students still find difficulty in answering questions requiring critical thinking and practical skills,” Mr Bukenya said.
Mr Opaman said 48.3 per cent reached the desired level of proficiency in English language, 43.3 per cent in Mathematics and only 17.7 per cent was attained in Biology.
He attributed the poor performance to lack of teachers and poor facilitation to those available advising government to resolve issues concerning teachers’ welfare in order to promote their efficiency while at work.
It was also noted that private schools performed better than their counterparts in government schools.

Thursday, 21 March 2013


A policy according to the Vice LCV Chairperson Kabarole district, who participated in this event, is a plan for action. In the bid to deliver services to it’s people the government of Uganda has set policies for the different sectors to guide their actions.
With the mandate to compliment government programs, RWECO conducted a participatory policy assessment in the water, health and education sectors; the assessment that was conducted in 10 sub counties  in five districts in the Rwenzori region aimed at linking the existing policies to service delivery  vis -a – viz the government manifesto (2011 - 2016).
  1.   To find out feedback from the users of services in Education, health, and water sectors;
  2. To find out practical actions that communities, local authorities, line ministries and other stakeholders can take to improve delivery of basic services at community level;
  3.   To come up with suggestions on policy alternatives on delivery of basic services in the education
Several findings were compiled, analyzed and summarized into a policy brief that RWECO launched on 19/03/13 at Gardens restaurant in Fort portal. 
Speaking at the launch meeting the RWECO Coordinator, Jimmy Odyek welcomed members to the meeting, highlighted it’s purpose and also welcomed Mr. Misusera Mukasa the lead consultant in the assessment to share some key findings in the report. They included;

 Photo showing copy of the Policy brief paper

 Education Sector
  • Poor performance in PLE Exams e.g Kichwamba btn 2009-2011 never got any first grades 
  •   Bad staff welfare including ongoing professional development.
  • High girl child drop- out rate from  school
  •   Insufficient fund releases
  •   Automatic promotion; 100% of respondents described it as a bad policy that contributed to children’s failure in the exams. They added that children do not work hard enough to get promoted because it is automatic
  •   60% of the schools visited noted poor parents support towards their children’s education
  •   Irregular inspection of schools e.g - Kidudu –Kyenjojo, Hope in Kabarole, Kichwamba in Kamwenge
  •   Facilities available in the school, number of classrooms, desks, latrine stances, essential text books;- Others were average except for Nyaruroma
  •   PTA/SMCs exist but not doing the rightful roles
  • Health Sector
  • 25% of the HC compounds visited were well maintained however Examples of poorly maintained Health units include Nyahuka HC4- Bundibugyo, and Kabaka in Kasese.
  •   All health units visited were open at the time of visit which was a good indicator
  •   Understaffing in all the HCs visited.
  •   75% of the health units surveyed had essential drugs.
  • Inadequate PHC releases.
  •   Quality of Health facility structure: 42% were good, 50% were fair and 8 % were poor.
  •  Lack of basic structures; placenta pits, kitchens, pit latrines, rubbish bins was observed in most HCs.
  •  29% of the HCs had good houses, 39% were average and 25% were very poor.
  • 58% of HCs surveyed had some form of power although quite many had only solar power which was fairly good. 
  • Prevalence of immunizable diseases was at 33% and yet services were available. Poor staff welfare.
Water Sector
  • 52% functional, 18% occasional 30% non functional (Nyabusozi in Nyantungo SC Kyenjojo, Rutorwa- Busoro SC Kabarole .
  •  Quantity of water (yield) was at 52% good, 39% was average 9% poor
  •  73% of the water points committees had never been trained on their roles and responsibilities.
  • Quality of water. 64% said it was good, 13% poor, 23% was fair.
  • Usability of water facility- 74%  were congested and 26% were not.
  • Management of Water Point e.g. (presence of a caretaker). 32% were poorly maintained e.g Karaphael- katooke town council- Kyenjojo, Kangora borehole in Kamwenge, Kakoga Shallow well –Mubuku 2, Karusandara-Kasese 
  •   Payment of user fees- 68% of the respondents said users do not pay
  •  Construction near pit latrines- 23% were only 100 meters away, which was dangerous and only 45% were far by 500 meters plus.
  • Catchment areas 59% serve between 3-4 villages
Wholesomely the assessment noted that, it is evident that certain Education, Health and Water policy provisions are not met. Whereas there is a big stride to meet some of them say in the provision of safe water to the people, management and mantainnace of those points has had challenges. And that increased enrollment has been achieved while at the same time performance and maintenance of children in school remains a challenge.   It is therefore imperative upon central and local governments to ensure that the gaps pointed out in the policy provision are worked upon.
Mr. Mukasa presenting at
Commenting on the findings, members thanked Mr. Mukasa for the information and appreciated that most of the findings were true although districts were doing all they can to address the service delivery challenges mentioned above.
For instance the Vice LCV Chairperson Kabarole explained that Kabarole had recruited more teachers, was conducting routine immunization, is building more infrastructures, although he decried other outstanding challenges like poor road network in the district, corruption and late release of funds.
He however thanked CSOs for always complimenting government programs, “NGOs work as blood vessels linking and developing every sector, in fort portal alone 7% of the district budget I funded by NGOs; the contribution of NGOs can never be taken for granted
Presiding over the function as Chief Guest, the RDC Kabarole district, also thanked RWECO for their efforts in monitoring public expenditure and ensuring that serves are effectively delivered to the communities. He challenged the people in attendance to ensure that what has been discussed is greatly achieved by the people they represent. The RDC regretted to note that some rich people in the community are mean so much so that they build so many  big storied houses and buy so many expensive cars yet they cannot out of good will build even a two roomed staff house for HCs or schools in their communities of which their own relatives are beneficiaries. 
The RDC crowned the meeting with the launch of the Policy brief paper.  (Copies of this policy brief  can be got at the RWECO member offices; KALI,GHRD,RIC-NET,RIDE-Africa and RWECO Coordinating Unit) 
The Kabarole RDC together with the LCV Vice Chaipersons Bundibugyo (left) and Kabarole (right) districts launch the Policy brief
The meeting was attended by approximately 35 persons from the Rwenzori region; they included District Executive Committee members, District speakers, CSO and media representatives, and RWECO staff members.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013


Following the 2012 PTA and SMCS TRAINING WORK SHOPS COMPUTERS for schools has continued following and monitoring the activities of these management institutions by participating in their meetings in schools.
These institutions are the real back bone of schools, when they are weak literacy and numeracy levels lower and vice versa.
In order for PPE to attain intended goals it is imperative that these institutions be encouraged and supported.
The heads of schools have embraced this program because they feel their work load has been shared and made easier.
Many times for example a school would not have enough funds to cater for a meeting of 21 members of PTA but since EPP joined their schools this problem has been somehow solved.The presence of these institutions in schools mean greater planning, greater communication leading to literacy and numeracy levels automatically rising thus building a steady education pyramid for the young generation.Computers for schools therefore deems it right to keep supporting these institutions for without them all it’s endeavors of promoting a well-balanced rich meaningful education system will come to no avail..
Kibiito PTA and SMChaving a tea break in one of the meetings in march 11th 2013.

Thursday, 7 March 2013


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ms. Medrace (seated) during the school visit at Alang Primary school, Kole District, Feb, 2013
  The Education Local Expertise Centre Uganda was founded by Edukans in the year 2010 as its front desk country office in Uganda. Edukans is a Netherlands based development organization with a unique focus on basic education. It recognizes that today 75 million children worldwide do not attend school although every child is entitled to high quality basic education.
The ELECU works with partners in Teso, Lango, and Rwenzori sub region to implement activities in support of improvement of quality basic education. The programme addresses gaps in community participation, literacy, and numeracy, vulnerable children and teachers’ capacity and motivation. In all, there is a strong link to conflict and peace building, food and nutrition and economic empowerment among others.  
In 2012, Edukans through the ICCO Alliance funded partners to implement programmes for an initial period of one year. RWECO which is a consortium of four Non Governmental Organizations (KALI, GHFRD, RICNET and IWDP) in conjunction with CfSU are in partnership and running EPP project with a goal: Improved literacy and proficiency levels in English language of 9000 primary school pupils and 450 teachers by 2014.  
1.0   Theme : Community involvement for improved quality basic education
All Edukans partners work directly or indirectly with communities to enhance the quality of education for all within the country’s policy  frame- work (Education Act; NDP;JAF;QEI)2 .

2.0   Objectives

1.       Exposure to different education initiatives focusing (among others) on increased and improved community participation in primary education;
        2. Interaction and consultation- also with district local government representatives- around challenges and opportunities, lessons learned, and good practices of on- going and new initiatives by Edukans partners.
Further strengthen strategic cooperation and complementarily among and between Edukans partners, district, local governments and Ugandan partner organization activities.   
Rwenzori Consortium for Civic Competence, on having received an invitation letter from Education Expertise Centre Uganda, on 25th/February/2013, two EPP programme officers :( RWECO, SfCU) ms Balira Medrace and Ms. Kamba Lydia respectively travelled to Lira to attend a 3 days’ Learning and Exchange visits for Edukans Partners. Thus: reporting day 25th, and arrived at exactly 5:49pm, closure was 28th at 3:37pm.
The Learning and Exchange visit and Program Review participants were hosted by Local Expertise Centre at Hotel Margherita Palace in Lira town. 
Ms. Connie (left) appreciating work done by CEASOP with the community in Kole district, Feb, 2013
 The Learning visit and programme Review started well on 26th Feb. at 8:30 am with a warm welcome and opening remarks by Connie Alezuyo , including brief introduction of the  participants as well as taking a cup of tea and   a brief on field visits and thereafter went to the field in two groups under two leading teams,  namely :    CEASOP, and TPO/POBEDAM. Group 1 departed for TPO/PODAM site at Alebtong and  group 2 went to CEASOP main vocational training center.
The major aim of the field visits is to enable all Edukans Partners access Rural Outreach Centres in Lango sub-region and see what is being done to ensure effective community participation in education delivery and how best to and collaboratively address the gaps in community participation, literacy, and numeracy, vulnerable children and teachers’ capacity and motivation which led to high quality basic education.
CEASOP Vocation training centre recruits drop outs especially primary pupils and vulnerable children plus orphans in and around Lira town. The institution provide basic skills such as; constraction and  brick laying and concrete practice, carpentry and joinery, catering, tailoring and motor vehicle mechanics, black smith metal fabrication, hair dressing, knitting business skills, bee keeping/apiary/horticulture and home management.
At 2:00pm, the participants visited  Alang primary school in Kole district and interacted with staff,  members of school management committee on school performance who appreciated the role played by CEASOP as : construction of a pit latrine, sensitization of parents about their roles as in providing scholastic materials and lunch for their children which in turn increased their concentration thus improved performance that enabled school reach  to a height of one pupil getting first grade, promising to get as many grades as possible the sky is the limit.   
-The strategies applied to improve the vocational training are: -village loans savings and schemes association.
-Use of technical personnel/ local resources to provide skills and follow up of training.
-Trade survey to aid trainers train on only needed skills within the community.
CEASOP has one major training center and three, outreach canters which have led to:
-Acquisition of skills that has led to improvement in trainees incomes for instance Abeja Brenda and Among Ruth of Kole training center testified that  parents give them clothes which they make into finished fabrics. Also brick laying skills acquired by Mary Rose and Okello Jimmy who have built a titanic house told their true story of how they earn Shs.8000  per day.   

-Shortage of sawing machines, show cased by eight machines being used by 21 trainees.
-High costs because trainees pay Shs.130,000  plus food items which is not always paid in time.
-Lack of teaching-learning materials like clothing, cookery ingredients, plus instructional materials as: designing chats with different modern fashions.
-Shortage of instructors especially in catering and home management department.
-Duration period for training basic skills is too long (2years)

-CEASOP in collaboration with ELECU should provide more tailoring machines to both main and outreach centres.
 Provide trainees with a variety of learning materials as fashion charts.  
 -Reduce on training period for basic skills instead introduce better training manual in patterning and designing to meet the community demand
The workshop was adjourned on 28th Feb./ 2013 with administrative closing remarks by Connie as follows:
-MOSIQUE  activities will start in March 6, 2013 and will deal with tutors (monitoring & sharing in education)
-Concerning ICT, the Donor (Jennifer) is likely to arrive on 18th march 2013 and will be visiting EPP and SfCU in the Rwenzori region.
A two day training workshop in April most likely he first week o last week the month in the Rwenzori region.
-Selection of  STAR SCHOOLS among EPP target schools  
-Edukans Partners to continue exchanging ideas and invite peer feedback. 
-Collect information in EPP target schools about data on school enrollment 2012 PLE results, SMC/ PTA, pupil: teacher ratio, gender and reproductive health (PIACY)
RWECO was given an appreciation for sending in their activity reports and documentation as blog stories, Rwenzori voice in time.

The project on improving the quality of basic education fits well in the National Development Plan and Education Policy priorities. The focus being the child in class and out of class, teacher and parents. The lessons in the first year are a real indication that education needs a holistic  approach other than looking at the child in class only. efforts must be made to follow the child during co-curricular activities.
The exchange visits also made it clear to the participants in integrating life schools and vocation education in the curriculum. A number of lessons were learned during the exchange visit. The recommendations of the exchange visit and sharing should inform the next programming for ELEC and Partners. 

Reported by

Ms. Medrace Balira

Wednesday, 6 March 2013


The PTA Chairperson at Mulongithi P.School standing while giving opening remarks on Friday1, March, 2013
Parents at Mulongoti Primary school, Kasese Municipality vow to improve academic standards during a parents meeting held on Friday 1st, March, 2013 for which RWECO presented a paper on improving quality of education role of parents. While opening the meeting, the Parents Teachers Association Chairperson asked the parents to support the development partners who have come to give a hand. During the same meeting, teachers pledged to do their best in improving the quality of education.  
Rwenzori consortium for civic competence is implementing a project supporting the teaching and learning of English language in thirty primary schools fifteen of which are based in Kasese district and the others in Kabarole district. The Education Programmatic Plan project that is funded by the Edukans foundation in the Netherlands also supports two primary teachers colleges of Bwera teachers college and Canon Apollo core PTC.
The project focuses on the proficiency in literacy and numeracy with emphasis to the four skills of learning (listening, reading, speaking and writing). In order for the project to achieve its objective the implementing agency participates in other school activities like sensitizing the school management committees on their roles, the PTA, the Head teachers and the teachers. In a joint PTA and parents meeting held at Mulongoti Primary school to discuss the future of the school vis-a-vis  the performance of the 2012 PLE results, where by the parents attributed the poor performance to the high female teacher ratio in the school, it was reported  that out of the fourteen teachers only four are male, but how does that affect the performance?. 
 The reason was the women's  triple roles of production, reproduction and community roles.  But when that  happens what has the  community and policy makers done  to in ensuring that  programs  designed to lift the women out of the kitchen are implemented?  for example in that  very meeting all the participants were  mothers and fathers but the meeting started at 10:00 am and ended at 3:30pm who then prepared lunch for the school children? That  implies that they either start escaping one by one, reduce their concentration and participation. 
The meeting was attended by the RWECO staff who sensitized the parents and created awareness for the participants, the entry point was their turn up itself for out of around two hundred parents who attended the meeting about three quarters were women and only a quarter were males, besides female teachers were good role models for their female pupils they should therefore aspire the young girls and those out of school otherwise if the school was dominated by male teachers alone then the girl child would not have any body to look up to admire and strive to be there at one time. She challenged the participants to justify any incidences where more than three mistresses have ever gone on maternity leave at once leaving the pupils unattended to.  
By Agnes Kyakimwa

Tuesday, 5 March 2013


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The PTA Chairperson at Mulongithi P.School standing while giving opening remarks on Friday1, March, 2013
Parents at Mulongoti Primary school, Kasese Municipality vow to improve academic standards during a parents meeting held on Friday 1st, March, 2013 for which RWECO presented a paper on improving quality of education role of parents. While opening the meeting, the Parents Teachers Association Chairperson asked the parents to support the development partners who have come to give a hand. During the same meeting, teachers pledged to do their best in improving the quality of education.  
Rwenzori consortium for civic competence is implementing a project supporting the teaching and learning of English language in thirty primary schools fifteen of which are based in Kasese district and the others in Kabarole district. The Education Programmatic Plan project that is funded by the Edukans foundation in the Netherlands also supports two primary teachers colleges of Bwera teachers college and Canon Apollo core PTC.
The project focuses on the proficiency in literacy and numeracy with emphasis to the four skills of learning (listening, reading, speaking and writing). In order for the project to achieve its objective the implementing agency participates in other school activities like sensitizing the school management committees on their roles, the PTA, the Head teachers and the teachers. In a joint PTA and parents meeting held at Mulongoti Primary school to discuss the future of the school vis-a-vis  the performance of the 2012 PLE results, where by the parents attributed the poor performance to the high female teacher ratio in the school, it was reported  that out of the fourteen teachers only four are male, but how does that affect the performance?.  The reason was the women's  triple roles of production, reproduction and community roles.  But when that  happens what has the  community and policy makers done  to in ensuring that  programs  designed to lift the women out of the kitchen are implemented?  for example in that  very meeting all the participants were  mothers and fathers but the meeting started at 10:00 am and ended at 3:30pm who then prepared lunch for the school children? That  implies that they either start escaping one by one, reduce their concentration and participation. That  meeting was attended by the RWECO staff who sensitized the parents and created awareness for the participants, the entry point was their turn up itself for out of around two hundred parents who attended the meeting about three quarters were women and only a quarter were males, besides female teachers were good role models for their female pupils they should therefore aspire the young girls and those out of school otherwise if the school was dominated by male teachers alone then the girl child would not have any body to look up to admire and strive to be there at one time. She challenged the participants to justify any incidences where more than three mistresses have ever gone on maternity leave at once leaving the pupils unattended to.  
By Agnes Kyakimwa