Monday, 20 April 2015


     To ensure sustainability of the C4C program and a longer life of the ICT equipment in schools, it was found necessary to train and build capacity of ICT lab technicians so that they could carry out preventive maintenance and also do simple repairs in case the need arises. The training took place in March 2015 where lab technicians and selected champion teachers were equipped with the skill to maintain and do simple repairs on their ICT equipment. This training was organized in form of hands on where the participants had the opportunity to do practical work and understand how to maintain their equipment. They covered sessions on why maintenance is needed for their machines, how to maintain, what to maintain, how often to maintain and what is needed to do the maintenance. They had to develop maintenance schedules which would guide then on how often to carry out different activities that are entailed in maintenance. The facilitator also had to take them through a hands on practical on common technical problems that machines can get and how they can trouble shoot and deal with these problems.  Some of them had personal questions that related to their different schools and the facilitator also handled this session in plenary as he answered as they asked.
       A sample maintenance and trouble shooting chart
To sum up the training, different technicians tried out trouble shooting machines to solve different problems. They later thanked CfSU and RWECO for giving them the opportunity to better their skills and also build their capacity. They pledged to continue carrying out maintenance to keep the machines virus free and up to date with all the necessary software. Finally they each received their blower and simple maintenance kit to help them with carrying out maintenance and repairing some technical problems as the need arises.