Wednesday, 20 August 2014

A new direction of Teaching- BOG members and Head teachers declare

RIC-NET organized a stakeholders meeting for school management and English heads of department from the project schools and college on 20th August 2014. it was continuation of activity to Support representatives of BOGs/PTAs to develop and implement institutional policies that support ICT integration and sustainability. The meeting was held at Verina Gardens Kasese town. It was attended by head teachers, Board of governors and PTA members from the project schools and college. 6 were females and 7 males; include 3 heads of schools, members of the Board on the academic committee, heads of English department and the principal Bwera teachers college and some Tutor.
The goal of the meeting wasRaising awareness and training of Head teachers, PTA and BOG to support ICT enhanced learning/The use of monitoring tools in eight institutions” With Objectives as “To raise the awareness of the management of the schools on the use of ICT enhanced learning”. We only targeted the PTA executive committees, the Board of governors and the school management of both secondary schools and the teacher training college.

The project has 3 focus points; a) Skilling the teachers and Tutors with necessary ICT skills to improve the teaching-learning process).Work with the administrators of the schools and PTC to support the teaching process using ICT innovations and c).work with the management committee to develop policies that support the new innovations as mentioned. Thus the end result works in the dimension of teachers (to develop the mind set), learners (to improve the learning ability and concentration level) and the administration of the schools (to easy the process of monitoring and administration).The equipment that were given out are thus meant to aid this dimension in order to achieve the intended i.e. aid the process of teaching and help to develop the mindset of the teachers and the learners.
Members agreed that this is the good way with new direction and tools to be used to support learning in schools. It will move our teachers from rural setup mind of teaching to modern creative teaching. Its more learner centered innovation that will reduce laziness from the teachers and improve the learning abilities. The school management committee pledge to support the school administration in ensuring that condition are in place to support the innovations for the benefit of their learning and excelling in academics.


        One of the ways of ensuring sustainability of the C4C project is by training center coordinating tutors so that they can offer continuous teacher development in secondary schools and also train and orient teachers of primary schools in the use of ICTs. In the first phase of the trainings, teachers of secondary schools were trained on the use of ICT for lesson planning and delivering lessons. In the second phase PTC tutors were trained but since center coordinating tutors are in charge of following up implementation of programs in primary schools, it was found necessary to train them so that they could offer continuous teacher development to teachers and also help roll out the C4C programme in primary schools.
The tutors discussed ways how they would help teachers in primary schools use ICTs for teaching and learning. Probable challenges were also discussed and ways how to mitigate them. The achievements so far were brought forward and some of them were; since the training of center coordinating tutors, they have also trained eighteen other teachers (4F, 14M) in the use of ICTs to teach effectively and monitor the usage of ICTs in primary teacher colleges and primary schools. These trainings were carried out at the centers and at least 2 teachers were trained from each of the center schools.
One CCT, Mr. Dumba suggested that since CfSU has been working with an experienced tutor, there should be and endeavor and emphasis to relate the stories to the curriculum and guide the teachers accordingly.

Members identified areas of emphasis where digital stories can be used as teaching vocabulary, tenses, summary, picture interpretation etc.

some of the CCTs in a group discussion during the workshop

Reactions from Participants
The CCTs were very enthusiastic about rolling out the program in primary schools and pledged to offer their support to see the project successfully implemented in the schools.
 Although electricity shortage was noted as one of the challenges that would affect the implementation of the program in primary schools, one of the CCTs, Mr. Sesanga, suggested that as part of their responsibility as tutors and over seers, they should ensure that schools have at least one ICT enhanced lesson in their schemes of work and will gradually improve the frequency of use of ICT for teaching English language as schools adopt  alternative means of acquiring power.