Tuesday, 30 July 2013


Following the completion of phase one of the C4C and EPP projects and the disbursement of funds for the second phase, the implementing organizations (RWECO and CFSU) on 20th and 21st May 2013 met to make an over view of the previous phase and to also plan for the new phase. The review meeting was held at Kalya Courts in Fort portal where ten staff (4 females & 6males) from both organizations participated in this meeting.
The purpose of the meeting was to reflect on the interventions, achievements and gaps of the first phase and to also review the work plan for 2013. Particular focus was made on the uncompleted activities of 2012 with strategies on how they can be addressed in this second phase. The meeting also aimed at identifying entry points for this new phase of the projects.
Emerging issues & Observations
Ø  Staff should work with Head teachers to introduce the project to the BODs of schools during their routine meetings; subcommittee and PTA meetings. CFSU and RWECO could contribute towards the logistics for the meetings.
Ø  CFSU’s entry point should be through head teachers; as long as they are positive they will own the project and it will succeed. Interface meetings with the head teachers and the committees should be organized.
Ø  The project should consider buying cameras for schools to improve on the documentation of the project and storytelling component in the project. And the delivery of these can be used to arrange meetings with the target persons at the schools.
Ø  About the adoption of ICT enabled teaching-learning methods of English language it was learnt that this wasn’t so successful in the schools that didn’t get equipment like Kilembe SS; this limitation was attached to non availability of   ICT equipment. Schools like St. Leos College have been very successful since they received the necessary ICT gadgets.
Ø  Clear memorandums of understanding with the schools stating what their responsibilities would be with regards to the handling of ICT equipment were to be drawn by CfSU and RWECO and signed by both parties.
Ø  On-line monitoring tools should be developed to replace the manual tools. Available tools should be looked at, customized and sent to IICD for improvement and approval.
Ø  A template for capturing stakeholders’ contact numbers needs to be redeveloped and utilized. This will help to sensitize, inform, and or mobilize them for school events. This initiative is reported to be working well in St. Leos College. Apparently there is improved parents turn up for meetings following the bulk sms messages sent to them through the platform.
Ø  There is still need to involve the media more in CfSU and RWECO work, especially upcoming meetings and handover of equipment. Involvement could be in form of a press release or an article in the print media on a key activity. Members agreed that since there is no budget line for media, this should be incorporated within activities.
Ø  A project blog should be developed on which members can share implemented activities. This will allow for a wider sharing and easier tracking of the project results. A blog with a URL; somaschools.blogspot.com. Other social media accounts; face book and twitter were to be created soon by Stella Nekesa, the ICT project officer.
Ø  Need for a deliberate effort to do short videos for sharing on you tube. These can be good platforms to use in resource mobilization, reporting and evidence based advocacy.
Ø  Activity plans and action plans were drawn and agreed upon.
Ø  A project blog was developed and deployed.
Ø  Budgets were revised and adjusted to fit with on the changing priorities of the project activities.
Ø  Entry points and key persons necessary to make the project a success were identified and strategies on how to engage them agreed upon.
Ø  Proper understanding of the basic financial and narrative requirements/guidelines was created amongst the members.