To ensure a smooth and successful implementation of
the projects, head teachers, PTA and BOG membershad to be brought on board
with the project. It is on this note therefore that Computers for Schools
organized a meeting inviting all head teachers, PTA and BOG members of all
project schools in Kabarole district. The meeting took place at Kaalya courts
on 17th June 2013.
The purpose of this meeting was to ensure that the
heads of schools, PTA and BOG allowed the C4C project activities to be
implemented within their institutions. Further on, administrative support is
needed to ensure sustainability of the project even after the project life has
ended. As a ripple effect of the project, administrators had to be fully aware
of the project activities within the school so that it does not only benefit
the English department but also other departments. Issues that were discussed
in the meeting included the following among others;
- The
project brief, activities involved and responsibilities of the stake
holders especially school administration
- Discussion
of achievements in the schools so far and challenges faced
The ICT project officer discussing the brief
The heads
of schools discussed the achievements and challenges that they have been facing
since the project inception to date. The heads of schools each discussed what
was happening within their respective schools with regards to the project.
After looking at the achievements, challenges faced were also brought up and
solutions to mitigate the challenges were pointed out and below are some of the
issues that were discussed;
- The set up of the English language resource room;
Canon Apolo core PTC, Ruteete secondary school and St. Leos and Kyebambe have
set up English labs with resources like the laptop, projector and the
speakers. Now with the two desk tops and flash disks that CfSU has added
to the department, these institutions have worked on these resource rooms
making them more student friendly and as safe as possible. The teaching
and learning process can now comfortably take place in these rooms.
- Development of more interesting and fascinating
lessons using Power point and Photo story; the head teachers of these
schools were proud to mention that the teachers are developing more
interesting lessons as testified by their students. Learners are more
- Computers in the resource room; with the
availability of these computers in the English resource room, teachers are
now able to develop their lessons and type exams freely in their free time
without competing with students which was the case previously. It has even
helped them practice more, getting a grip on computer usage thus erasing
the computer phobia of students being better than them. The learners have
also adopted a research culture where they can accomplish projects on
their own.
Otigo Evans explaining the benefits and challenges they face
The representative from the DEO’s office of Kabarole
district Mrs. Harriet Angwena finally urged administrators and PTA members to
fully embrace the program and give the much needed support to the teachers and
implementing organizations. She also pledged to be supportive at the district
level by offering the necessary support like inspecting and lobbying at the
Administrative members listening to the DEO