Wednesday, 3 July 2013


By ,.,Charles kaliba.

ED RIC-NET John Silco presenting the ICT platform
RIC-NET and RWECO handed over more ICT tools and equipments to aid Teachers in the teaching-learning process to 3 secondary schools and one Primary teachers college. This is under the project “innovative methods of effective teaching of English in secondary schools”. The handover ceremony was held on the 28th June 2013 at VIRINA gardens in Kasese municipality Kasese District and was officiated by the District Education Officer, Kasese District local Government. Present were teachers and staff from St Charles SS Kasanga, St Thereza Girls SS Nsenyi, Kilembe SS and Bwera Primary Teachers College

In his opening remarks the Coordinator RWECO Mr. Jimmy Odyek mentioned that, this day the district is celebrating success as we deliver equipments to beneficiary Schools. 
The first time was when handing over laptops to Secondary Schools and this time others equipments are going to be handed to schools and the Primary Teacher College. RWECO as a consortium of 4 NGO’s aims at emphasizing social accountability in service delivery, promoting human rights and improvement of livelihoods in the Rwenzori region and Uganda and the education sector is part of the promotion of livelihood. Equipments received were Laptop, Two desk tops, Generator, Projector, Projector Screen, Speakers for sound projection, a modern for internet accessed to be used for online research and Memory Stick for storage of important information.

ICT equipment to be delivered

The Executive Director RIC-NET Mr. John Silco noted that, the project’s focus is on”Improving effective teaching-learning processes through ICT enabled innovative methods.” The project is supported by Connect for Change and IICD.The Goal is to Contribute to Improved performance of students through effective teaching-learning processes by adoption of ICT enabled innovative methods with the major objective asTo build the capacity of English Language Teachers/tutors in the project”.

Head Teacher St. Theresa Gilrs SSS receiving ICT equipment from DEO Kasese
The achievements so far registered include; Twenty six teachers of English language from Secondary Schools and Fifteen tutors have been trained in innovative ICT enabled methods of teaching, of English have, four schools have received ICT equipment and four more expect to get today. Teachers have developed ICT enabled lessons and have delivered these lessons in class, onsite teacher training by RIC-NET staff have been conduct regularly to re-tool the teachers in these ICT innovations,

The Coordinator RWECO, Mr. Jimmy B.O handing over a Computer to the Kasese DEO, Mr. George Mainja
As a Way forward to the sustainability of the project and the above achievements, RIC-NET and RWECO will continue to Lobby at both school and local government level to support the teaching learning process,Continued support to the teachers; both technical and pedagogical,Refresher trainings and follow up to school and the teacher individually, monitor the use of these innovations in schools and continuous Maintenance of ICT equipment and continue developing the skills on teachers in the secondary schools and PTC in ICT innovations.

Director of Studies of Bwera PTC receiving ICT equipments from DEO Kasese
In his closing remarks DEO Mr. George Mainja thanked RIC-NET and RWECO for continued support to the education in the district. “I am proud personally for these two organizations for being very close to the people and equally important in the social transformation of the community through improving education and social accountability” he thanked the donors for extending their hand to Uganda and the Rwenzori region in particular. There are 20 government aided schools but only 3 are lucky to be the one piloting this project, there 2 colleges but only one is lucky, more than 100 primary schools but only 15 are too lucky. It’s thus the role of the teachers and the Head teachers of these schools to add value to the teaching process using the available technology. 

D/Head Teacher Kilembe SSS receiving ICT equipments from DEO Kasese
He challenged the teaches to adopt to new technologies as Education Management Information System[EMIS],Geographical Information System reporting [GISR] and Education Management Systems [EMS] for data collection, storage and filling in additions to the one already in place of using ICT in the teaching process. 
English is the core of all subjects and I thank these two organizations to have sampled this as the core of improving the learning process in our schools. Let us take these innovations with a positive mind and hand to add values to ourselves as teaches, gain the skills.

D/Head Teacher St.  Charles Voc Sec Sch receiving ICT equipments from DEO Kasese

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