Friday, 28 June 2013


"You are among the luck Schools in Kasese District to have been chosen to participate in pilot of application of ICT Tools in the teaching of English" were the words of the Kasese District Education Officer Mr. George Mainja when he was handing over ICT Tools to St. Charles Voc. SS, St. Theresa Girls, Kilembe SS and Bwera Primary Teachers College at Virina Gardens Hotel, Kasese Municipality. Each School received: 2 desk top computers, 1 lap top, 1 project and 1 projection screen and 2 speakers. The equipment were given by RWECO and RICNET with funding support from Connect for Change.
Mr. George Mainja (right), The Kasese District Education Officer handing over ICT Tools to the head teacher St. Theresa Girls-Nsenyi, Ms. Pasikazia Mughuma on 28th June, 2013 at  Virina Gardens Hotel, Kasese Municipality

In his remarks the ED RICNET, Mr. John Murugahara, noted that the project was being implemented in 6 secondary schools and 2 Primary Teachers Colleges. That RWECO was working with Computers for Schools Uganda to ensure that the teaching of English Language becomes lively through the use of ICT Tools. Mr. Ericana Kiiza, Deputy head Teacher St. Charles Vocational SS-Kasanga, was concerned about the the safety and sustainability of the equipment, he asked RICNET to support the schools in engraving and retraining the new teachers who were recently transfered to the benefiting schools. He warned that, morality in schools had become rampant and asked RWECO to always talk something during the training of teachers.

The function was also graced by the media both print and electronic.

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Jimmy B.O