Project brief for
the EPP- implemented by RWECO and CfSU in 30 Primary Schools in Kasese and
Kabarole districts
Our Environment, Pupils at Rukoki Model Primary School, Kasese District |
Project title
} Improving
literacy and proficiency levels in English Language by enhancing communication
skills in 30 primary school pupils in the Rwenzori Region
} At the end of the project it is expected that
40% of the participating pupils will have improved in proficiency of the
English Language and hence demonstrate improved performance in all the 4Rs
specifically in literacy and numeracy and use of English language in class
and co-curricular activities including
debating, handwork, games and sports.
Problem statement
} Primary
school pupils in the Rwenzori region are faced with challenges including low
competence in numeracy and literacy which negatively impacts on their mastery
of the 4 basic communication skills of reading, writing, listening and
} The
transition from mother tongue to English is a challenge to the learners and
teachers especially in Primary 4;
} Low
literacy levels resulting into low mastery of the 4 basic communication skills;
} The
poor reading culture among the learners/teachers coupled with inadequate reading materials and limited support from
parents and guardians;
} The
teacher pupil ratio in class;
} Low
participation of parents in the learning and teaching processes at
} Project
goal: Improved literacy and proficiency in English language of 9000 primary
school pupils and 450 teachers by 2014.
} SO1:
Train and support 450 teachers in 30 primary schools and 30 Tutors from 2 PTCs
in the application of innovative methodology in the teaching and usage of
English language;
} SO2:
Enable 9000 pupils in 30 primary schools to improve their basic communication
skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening) in using English language.
} SO3:
Encourage participation of the parents and other stakeholders in the
learning-teaching process in the 30 primary schools.
Promoting the 4 basic communication skills of Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing: A young girl expressing speaking skills during an interclass debate at Rukiko Model Primary school |
} Pupils
– P 3-P. 4, but can spill over to other classes ( 9000)
} Teachers
of English ( 450)- were trained and more refresher trainings to be conducted
} Parents
through the PTAs ( 30 sch x 9 + 30 x 11)- through meetings, sms and case by
} Schools
were mapped: low land, mountain schools, Pastoral communities, Fishing and
Business community
} Care
taken for urban, peri urban and rural communities
} The
Local government- The District Council, The Chief Administrative Officer, the
District Education Officer and the
District Inspector of Schools
} The
schools-Pupils, teachers and Parents (SMC/PTA)
} MoES-
to give technical support and supervision in material development
Lessons from 2012
} a training manual on non
conventional methodologies was developed, local materials used as
teaching-learning aids by teachers
} 4 meetings were held, with guest
speakers from Primary teacher Colleges to inspire the teachers
} A writing competitions was held attracting
225 pupils
} 30 debating clubs, 30 MDD formed and
supported to present. Inter class debates held on weekly basis
} atleast 60% of the teachers trained
were observed to integrating non
conventional methodologies during the joint monitoring and reports from head
} Atleast 50% of pupils in the target
schools struggle to use English during the debating and in other co-curricular
} -30 primary schools supported in
supports, speech days and public events to show case their skills in poetry,
MDD, debating and reading
} Tutors of English from Conan Apollo
core PTC and Bwera PTC were trained, 6 CCTs facilitated the orientation of
teachers in non conventional methodologies
} PTA/SCM meetings held on all 30
target school attended by 3600 parents.
} 4
lobby meetings were held throughout the year. Other events like education symposium and the teachers day were used to
present the project briefing paper
} head
teachers teamed up and attended PTA/SMC meetings of neighboring schools, that
action boosted the host school to share experiences from other schools;
} improving
English literacy requires a multi-stakeholder approach other then using one
approach of ‘one size fits all’ approach.
} the
integration of Information technology has proved to be a success story
especially use of blogs and online search for information. During the
trainings, the teachers were exposed to basic ICT tools like computer,
smartphone, internet-social media-facebook;
} Private
schools had shunned the thematic curriculum instead focus on preparing children
to pass PLE. The project targeted 4 private schools from which government aided
schools are picking a lesson .
} capacity
building for teachers was un common, with the focus on English language, the
project has opened a new chapter of retooling teachers and adopting to non
conventional curriculum
} Use of ICT tools to compliment the traditional
methods of communication: blog stories, youtube, twitter and facebook
Working with the media
} Consolidating
the achievements of 2012
} Building
a stronger teacher-learner relation through use of innovative methods
and CfSU strengthening the relationship through shared learning
} Timely
reporting is a pre-requisite to the success of the project
} Donor
relationship- ICCO Cooperation, ELEC
Jimmy B.O