Thursday, 5 June 2014

Teacher suprises RWECO IICD and CFSU staff monitoring the ICT enabled teaching project with their skills

on 2nd June 2014,a team from RIC-NET, RWECO and CFSU together with IICD staff toured the C4C project staff to ascertain the progress of the project and its implementation. The tour covered St.Thereza Girls SS and Kilembe. St Charles and Bwera PTC were not visited because of limited time on the side of the IICD staff. 
Objectives of the Visit.
1.      To ascertain whether the project goals and objectives are achievable or not.
2.      To acquaint the new IIC country director with the extend of the implementation of the project.
3.      Identify new intervention that can be incorporated into the project in the near future and the future for sustainability.
attending to a lesson in kilembe SS
 6 teachers from ST.Thereza Girls SS and 5 from Kilembe SS have benefited from the training both internal and external and are able to use the ICT tools.
a). Lesson preparation. Teachers of English showed a lot of skills in lesson preparation and presentation. The use of the equipments in lesson planning and presentation were exhibited properly. Teachers showed knowledge of the ICT tools.
b). lesson presentation: Teachers are able to present lesson using ICT tools. Lessons were prepared properly and presented in the set English rooms. Use of tools in lesson presented was well depicted. Equipments are well used in lesson presentation especially the speakers, projector and the laptop.
attending to a lesson at St. Thereza Girls Sec
C). English rooms. Schools have set aside English labs where the equipments are kept and being used. However English labs need power regulators to avoid power short circuits leading to destruction of the computers. School administration will continue working to improve the conditions in the English or language rooms.
d). Project and the school administrations. School administrations are well behind the projects and its intended objectives and goals. Head teachers are fully aware of what is taking place and are fully supporting the teachers in the implementation of the project. More schools need to be incorporated into the projects such that the results are wide in the district and bigger change can be realized. If possible more Equipment is provided relative to the numbers of teachers in schools and thus lesson preparations hampered. Servicing of the equipments in the school be done
meeting Deputy Head Techer st. Theresa Girls Mr. Nzandu
e).SMS platform. SMS have increased the parents response to the school programs especially fees payment, collection reports and attending school days and meetings. Improved effective communication in the school.
This has picked up well and results already at hand in most of the school. However there are still instances where there is delay in message to be transmitted due to network problems. Schools will still continue to provide telephone contacts for parents and other categories.
f). Use of ICT in the school. Helped in the packaging of the reports. Teachers can now access their emails and other school networks. Schools are not having ICT teachers and use any one with ICT knowledge and thus teachers of English find it hard to deal with simple mentainance problems apart from Kilembe that have a qualified ICT teacher. Administration packages in supervision, teaching, accounting and School management software’s. More other tools as camera in capturing images and voice recorders.
g).Use of the equipments given to schools. Helped to integrate the teachers in ICT, not only those from the English department but other teachers from other departments like French Kiswahili who have frequently used the tools and humanities who have frequently used the tools and the equipments. Improved the learning especially in those activities and subjects where ICT is used. “Our performance in languages has improved” according to the head teacher St.Thereza Girls. Improved composition writing among the students. Have attracted more teachers in the schools to have adopted ICT skills in lesson preparation. Thus improved computers literacy among the teachers and the students. Helped in lesson sharing among the teachers. Improved team work in lesson preparation and more especially involving the students.